måndag 26 oktober 2009

Pris för ambulansutbildning i Second Life

Brittiska JISC och Times Higher Education har delat ut ett pris till en utbildning för ambulanssjukvårdare som använder Second Life för simuleringar (se artikeln Paramedic training in virtual environments honoured by JISC Times Higher Education Award). Studenter vid St George's University London tränar på realistiska nödsituationer på en egen ö i den virtuella världen. Dessa övningar har inte varit möjliga i en traditionell klassrumsmiljö.

“The online environment evolved from issues that St George’s tutors were having with recreating paramedic work situations, which are impossible to simulate realistically in the classroom, and also with managing face-to-face meetings between students and tutors when the learners are spending time in work placements. The tutors developed an island in the virtual environment Second Life to allow students to work together as a paramedic team on different emergency scenes. They interact with patients by questioning, examining and treating them and the scenario unfolds in response to the students’ actions. Handover notes are emailed to their tutor for feedback.”

Läs mer om projektet på bloggen Preview.

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